sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2007

"Bright Red"

De mi colección de discos “Bright Red” es uno de los mas queridos y no por ser edición especial o alguna patraña similar, sino por la música y las letras. Laurie Anderson es una artista que sin mas esta adelantada a su época y no tiene miedo de expresar su forma de pensar... las letras de sus discos van de historias familiares, fábulas, sueños o cualquier cosa que le venga en mente y las transforma en canciones ... poeta, performancera, músico... todo amalgamado en una sola persona que sin duda a inspirado a muchos músicos, aunque estos no lo quieran aceptar... en este disco de 1994 tiene de músicos invitados a Lou Reed, Adrián Below, Cyro Baptista, Joey Baron entre otros... y esta producido por Brian Eno... si no conoces el trabajo de esta dama... este es un disco que te puede acercar a su trabajo y se puede decir que es de los mas melódicos... sin mas un disco que no debe faltar para los fans del al avant-garde. Los dejo con un video de su primer album llamado "Big Science" de 1982.

From my disc collection “Bright Red” is one of the most beloved and not because is an especial edition or some dull reason, the true reason is the lyrics and music. Lauire Anderson is an artist that is advance to her time and has no fear to state her way of thinking… the lyrics in her albums goes from family stories, tales, dreams or anything that cross her mind and then she turn them into song… poet, performer, musician… all together in one single individual that whit no doubt has inspired to many musicians… in this album from 1994 her invited musician are Lou Reed, Adrian Below, Cyro Baptista, Joey Baron among others… if you don’t know Laurie’s work this album is the right for you to begin the journey and if you like avant-garde this album is a must have in your collection… this is a video from her album debut “Big Science” from 1982.

Night in Baghdad

And oh it’s son beautiful
It’s like the fourth of July
It’s like a Christmas tree
It’s like fireflies on a summer night.

And I wish I could
Describe this to you better
But I can’t talk very well right now
Cause I’ve got this damned gas mask on.
So I’m just going to stick this microphone
Out the window and see if we can hear
A little better. Hello California?
What’s the weather like out there now?

And I only have one question:
Did you ever really love me?
Only when we dance
And it was so beautiful
It’s like the fourth of July
It’s like fireflies on a summer night

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